Cuba Foundation


We don’t dwell on the past because we feel an urgency to make a difference now. Those who get stuck on old grievances and recriminations keep themselves and others from moving forward, with the Cuban people paying the price of the collateral damage. We choose affirmatively to focus our energies on activities and projects that enable Cubans to increase the quality of their lives and their future prospects.

Development Focus

We design, fund or execute projects based on the practices of development institutions. Our projects, therefore, must reflect elements of financial and environmental sustainability, have measurable results so that we can determine our effectiveness in meeting development objectives, and promote diversity and inclusion. We will seek demonstration projects that inspire others, are scalable and self-sustaining. We will also aim to evaluate our work so that we can improve our strategies.

Long-term, Consistent and Donor Focus

We take a long-term and consistent approach, designed to have positive results regardless of geopolitical factors. Our mandate is not to promote the official policies of any country, although all of our activities are in line with the laws of all countries in which we operate. Instead, we promote purposeful, donor-led, inspired and funded engagement that supports the Cuban people.

Philanthropic, not Ideological

We are not a partisan or political organization; we are a philanthropic venture with the single objective of linking donors with projects that will in countless ways support the Cuban people. Our donors may collectively represent diverse political view-points, but our mission and our work will always be independent of any political party or ideology. If we have a bias, based on our personal and professional experiences, it is that a mixed economy, which implies a resilient private sector working cooperatively with the state sector, is the best way to grow the Cuban economy in a sustainable way.

Legal Compliance and Transparency

We are advised by several global law firms on a pro bono basis. Working closely with them and Cuban consultants, our activities and projects follow all relevant laws and regulations. We abide by high standards of integrity. We believe in transparency and accountability and manage our affairs accordingly. We want others to learn from our work, just as we want to learn from their work. Respectful and transparent engagement is the only way to conduct our affairs in order to maximize our development effectiveness.

Make a Difference Today!

The Cuba Foundation is a New York State not-for-profit corporation dedicated to fostering sustainable development initiatives that directly help the Cuban people. Our mission is powered by your generosity. We are a fiscally sponsored project of Give2Cuba, a Section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization that raises funds in the United States, provides humanitarian and other assistance to Cuba, and supports philanthropic groups, such as us, with important administrative services. Donors who wish to fund the work of the Cuba Foundation do so by donating to Give2Cuba through the donation box on this page. As required by law, Give2Cuba shall provide donors with a record of their contributions. Such donations are tax-deductible to the maximum extent permitted by law. Join our journey. Your dotations matter.

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