Cuba Foundation

We work with emerging private sector companies to fund their social enterprises or organize such enterprises and other projects with the strong participation of private sector companies. One of our principal goals is to encourage the establishment and consolidation of Cuba’s philanthropic ecosystem. Over the long-run, such an ecosystem will enable the participation of private individuals and foundations and, more broadly, the private sector in helping to address economic and social challenges and opportunities in ways that are consistent with Cuba’s history and future prospects.

We support entrepreneurs at the individual and systemic levels. In both cases, we are benefiting from policy and legal changes in Cuba’s reorientation toward a greater level of participation in its economy by the private sector. In particular, we want to facilitate the establishment and effectiveness of micro-, small- and medium-sized entities (MIPYMES). Although in their infant stage, they represent a clear break from previous official policy that discouraged or prohibited private enterprise. Their success means everyone in Cuba benefits. Because we believe in financial sustainability, we do not fund the for-profit activities of businesses. But we finance social entrepreneurship activities of the private sector aimed at creating a public good, such as the teaching of basic business, vocational or marketing skills. At the systemic levels, we look for ways to create or catalyze the creation of public goods for the benefit of all stakeholders in Cuba’s private sector economy.

Like other countries globally but especially in the Caribbean, Cuba is threatened by global warming, climate change and other man-made challenges to its environment and economy.
We fund projects and otherwise facilitate the work of experts and foundations aimed at protecting, restoring and promoting Cuba’s various ecosystems, including through education. Our work aims to protect Cuba’s natural patrimony for its present and future generations. In relation to the private sector, we will encourage the adoption of operating practices that favor environmental sustainability.

Cuba’s cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, is a source of national pride that must be preserved for the benefit of its people and the world. Havana and other cities and towns contain many public buildings and spaces that are important from a design, aesthetic or historical perspective. Cuba’s intangible cultural heritage includes its performing arts, festive events, and social rituals, among other practices, The Cuba Foundation considers projects aimed at preserving these forms of cultural patrimony.

We work with athletes, corporate sponsors and sports organizations to fund the construction, renovation and maintenance of venues for sports competitions, provide sports equipment and apparel and promote sports and athletic competitions. Where possible, our youth sports programs are tied to social development goals, such as gender equality and physical fitness.

We support academic exchange programs among researchers and students between Cuba and the US and other countries, particularly involving areas of study that support social and economic development. Research and education are at the heart of development activities and outcomes. The ability to engage in knowledge transfer across boundaries promotes engagement and understanding with multiple positive effects for everyone involved.

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